Форум "Пси Фактора" на IMDB очень радует - некоторые упорно считают его чуть ли не документальным сериалом:
11. In Season 4 Episode 4, Soul Survivor. there is a band wich went missing in an airplaine and then came back 10 years later.. they appeared to be dead but later all where revived.. all but the singer wich was dead or between life and death.. dissapeared in the end of the episode.
In the episode the band where called: Epiphany
they had made 4 CD's in the late 80's and their most famous album was called: Whatever.
Band members in the episode:
Marshall Rose (Singer)
Carmen Joy (Keyboard)
Clyde Rodriguez (Guitar)
Fiona Apple (Basist/Backup Singer)
Vincent (Vinny) Summers (Drums)
I can't seem to find a band called Epiphany with a cd called Whatever from the late 1980's or early 1990's..
So if this is based on real events, wich band was it this happened to ??
22. What was the name of that episode where there was some kind of black hole that appeared out of nowhere and then disappeared? Also what real case was that based on? I'm sorry, but there's no such thing as black holes on earth where they randomly appear and teleport people to some parallel universe, but I thought the episode was interesting!
UPD: Они отакуют опять!
3I heared all of the stories form this shown would true??
is that right?