Я не злой. Бывают просто плохие рассказы. Вот человек хочет что-то сказать но не умеет. Над этим не надо смеяться. Но иногда бывают исключения... Вот один мой MSN-знакомый из Норвегии однажды признался мне что за всю жизнь не прочёл ни одной книги.
Потом, в какой-то момент, он со мной пытался поговорить, но получил в ответ "отстань, я пишу рассказ." Он выдал "знаешь, я тоже пишу!"
На мои робкие намёки о том что если он ни хуя не читал, он скорее всего напишет какую-то хуйню он забил, и прислал мне это, на оценку. Не знаю смеяться или плакать. В рассказе я ничего не менял.
Главный шедевр по моему мнению конечно фраза "Again he cried, again his pillow got wet."
P.S. Закрыто от гостей, а то ещё он случайно наГуглит и будет моск иметь.
upd: Чувак просит чтоб я написал продолжение. Сейчас его героя будут похищать инопланетяне.
He was sitting in his room, and felt that he was totally gone. He felt like something was terrible wrong. At the room over the bed he had a picture, he was younger back then and things used to go smoother for him in those days. Her hair was also shorter back in that time, her beautiful brown eyes were easier too look in, because there weren’t any sings of confusion in them. He had a walk out to the kitchen, took some push ups and took a glass of water. At the same moment he did look out the window, it was dark and the gate lights were shining over a pair who kissed each other. He could feel that he missing something, and moved away from the kitchen window.
Again he cried, again his pillow got wet. He tried to call her, but her cell phone was off. The same signs as usually arrived, she was out, had fun and she forgot him. Still she were all for him, he could not resist her. For all those years, all those gifts and all this attention he gave, to make an end on this weren’t an option.
The clock was 1:50 and he tried to catch her, but without any answers. He opened up the window in his room because he was terrible warm and frustrated. Outside he could hear the drunken people that did pass his window, so he either took on some music on his computer than listening to the stupid voices.