В догонку к предыдущей записи, я набросал Норвежцу концовку рассказа. Он сейчас в неё фтыкает.
Написано без всякой последующей проверки, так что там могут быть жуткие грамматические ошибки, но ладно.

Кстати, фишку про инопланетянина не знающего в какой рот сунуть сигарету надо будет запомнить и как-нибудь всунуть в что-то нормальное.

Perhaps he should’ve watched the street for a little bit longer. Watching from his command post Kivar smiled. The moment he waited for had arrived. Kivar gave the order and a beam of yellow light appeared from the alien craft and slid into Michael’s open window. Michael felt as if someone was watching him and tried to turn around. Alas, it was too late. The beam had already rendered him unconscious, and was slowly pulling him into the mother-ship.

“We’ve got him!” exclaimed Rath, “we can finally leave!” Kivar and Zan nodded. They could understand their friend's desire to leave Earth and return to their home planet as soon as possible. He had by far spent the most time out of them on Earth, masquerading as a human. Rath reached his newly-reacquired three-fingered green arm to the table and retrieved a lighter. He took a cigarette, and put it in his left mouth after a moment of hesitation. He felt something was awry. So he took another cigarette and put it in his right mouth this time. His friends smiled. “You’ve spent way too much time here, old friend,” finally uttered Zan.

The ship, carrying the three aliens and the unconscious Michael slowly gained speed and prepared to leave the atmosphere, before partaking on a journey to Tralfamador where Michael was to continue his life as an exhibit in the inter-galactic zoo.
“Look, a falling star,” exclaimed Andrea, “quick, make a wish!” Tom bent his head and kissed her. “Oh, I love you, Tom,” she said.