Experience has taught me that interest begets expectation and that expectation begets disappointment. So the key to avoiding disappointment is to avoid interest. A equals B equals C equals A or whatever!
Experience has taught me that interest begets expectation and that expectation begets disappointment. So the key to avoiding disappointment is to avoid interest. A equals B equals C equals A or whatever!
Флудератор, Ulysses - Слабо верится в то, что будут желающие купить сабж.
Experience has taught me that interest begets expectation and that expectation begets disappointment. So the key to avoiding disappointment is to avoid interest. A equals B equals C equals A or whatever!
Experience has taught me that interest begets expectation and that expectation begets disappointment. So the key to avoiding disappointment is to avoid interest. A equals B equals C equals A or whatever!
В конце концов, Женя, проще тебе поинтересоваться у девушек - они однозначно знают лучше.
З.Ы. Если всё же надумаете присылать пакет - у вас полторы недели, т.к. ближайшее воскресенье Т-А лига.