Experience has taught me that interest begets expectation and that expectation begets disappointment. So the key to avoiding disappointment is to avoid interest. A equals B equals C equals A or whatever!

"Just when you thought bestiality couldn't get any ickier, it does - thanks to a man who is charged with having sex with a dead dog, in full view of a day care centre. Ronald Kuch, a 44-year-old from Michigan, is charged with 'crimes against nature' after allegedly being seen engaging in sexual acts with the dog corpse, which had been dead for four or five days. Police had already been called by day centre staff to remove the dead dog, which had been hit by a car' - The Metro."

Перевод нужен?

01.11.2006 в 22:26

As I walk through the valley shadow of death, I shall fear no evil, for I'm the evilest son of a bitch in the valley.
Да уж, вершины просто заоблачные. Дальше наверное просто не куда)
01.11.2006 в 22:50

"Мне не важно,что ты была замужем шестнадцать раз,я все равно люблю тебя"
02.11.2006 в 03:38

одно маленькое недоразумение
02.11.2006 в 07:03

Don't stop the music.
Меня сейчас стошнит :shuffle:.

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