
Experience has taught me that interest begets expectation and that expectation begets disappointment. So the key to avoiding disappointment is to avoid interest. A equals B equals C equals A or whatever!

А ещё мне снилось про то как какую-то девушку превращают в вампира во время наводнения во время школьной экскурсии.

@темы: Сны

09.03.2008 в 20:35

Скажи, чтобы я тебя увидел!
New Orlean is not sinking yet. It's dreaming now, doesnt It? ;-)
09.03.2008 в 22:37

Experience has taught me that interest begets expectation and that expectation begets disappointment. So the key to avoiding disappointment is to avoid interest. A equals B equals C equals A or whatever!
Ulysses - They've tried to sink New Orleans once, but like a true piece of... it came back up. ;)

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