Experience has taught me that interest begets expectation and that expectation begets disappointment. So the key to avoiding disappointment is to avoid interest. A equals B equals C equals A or whatever!
После съедения йогурта важно вымыть ложку и выкинуть коробку от йогурта.
А не наоборот.
я как то чуть мобильный не выкинула, а в другой руке была не нужная бымажка )))
мозг просто отключился на пару секунд
And what happens to newspapers... Maybe I'll try to wash them?
I remembered I have some piece of clothing with a newspaper pattern
And the MySpace as well: www.myspace.com/orchidgoth
Or so I've heard.
I'm glad I had not thrown clothes into the rubbish bin ^^